This is baby Anne one of the babies in the Infant Feeding Program.
The feeding program is designed to 'fatten up' underweight babies to prepare them for surgery. Most of the babies in the program have cleft lips and/or palates.
There have been two small exceptions to the rules. Anne and Annie are twins who arrived at screening with their mother and father, when they arrived at screening they were just a couple of days old weighing 1.72 kg. Two tiny precious packages with downy hair and pink skin. Anne came into the Infant Feeding Program because of her club feet. We could not care for one baby in the program without caring for the other as well; hence Annie was admitted into the program as well. The orthopaedic surgeons put three tiny sets of casts on Anne's feet in hopes of straightening them, however after three sets of casts the orthopaedic surgeons decided that they may be doing more harm than good, and therefore decided Anne would need to be reassessed at approximately one year of age. The decision was made that even though the babies were not surgical candidates they could stay in the program because there was no other follow-up for them in Togo until after six months of age.
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