Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Remember the lyrics of the Christmas song of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer? As you sing it in your mind “But do you recall the most famous reindeer of all?” This is the song that goes through my mind when I think of Marius. He is the most famous baby in my mind of the babies in the Infant Feeding Program. They are all precious but the Lord in His infinite wisdom has made us all so unique that we are more ‘drawn to’ some than others. Marius and his mom have had a special place in my heart since they day they came into the Infant feeding program. I met Marius and his mom March 1, 2010, Marius was four months old and weighed 2.85kg (6.27lbs.) He was long and thin. His mother a lovely Christian woman was always praying over him and overcame many odds to keep him alive and make it to the ship for help. She was unsure of what to do next she was trying her very best to feed Marius with his bilateral cleft lip and palate. She was breast feeding him with the very little milk she had and feeding him corn porridge once a day.

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